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The Sophia Perennis and Neo-spiritualism

Spiritus ubi vult spirat.

"The truths ... expressed [by the Sophia Perennis] are not the exclusive possession of any school or individual; were it otherwise they would not be truths, for these cannot be invented, but must necessarily be known in every integral traditional civilization. It might, however, reasonably be asked for what human and cosmic reasons truths that may in a very general sense be called "esoteric" should be brought to light and made explicit at the present time, in an age that is so little inclined to speculation. There is indeed something abnormal in this, but it lies, not in the fact of the exposition of these truths, but in the general condition of our age, which marks the end of a great cyclic period of terrestrial humanity -- the end of a maha-yuga according to Hindu cosmology -- and so must recapitulate or manifest again in one way or another everything that is included in the cycle, in conformity with the adage : "extremes meet"; thus things that are in themselves abnormal may become necessary by reason of the conditions just referred to.

From a more individual point of view, that of mere expediency, it must be admitted that the spiritual confusion of our times has reached such a pitch that the harm that might in principle befall certain people from contact with the truths in question is compensated by the advantages other will derive from the selfsame truths; again, the term "esoterism" has been so often misused in order to cloak ideas that are as unspiritual as they are dangerous, and what is know of esoteric doctrines has been so frequently plagiarized and deformed -- not to mention the fact that the outward and readily exaggerated incompatibility of the different religious forms greatly discredits, in the minds of most of our contemporaries, all religions - that it is not only desirable but even incumbent upon one to give some idea, firstly, of what true esoterism is and what it is not, and secondly, of what it is that constitutes the profound and eternal solidarity of all spiritual forms. (The Transcendent Unity of Religions, p.33-34)


  1. Gnosis and gnosticism, theosophy and theosophism
  2. Modern Vedantism
  3. Psychic powers, miracles, ecstasy, apparitions, visions
  4. Neo-yogism, "realizationism"
  5. Occultism, spiritism, fetishism, paganism and decadent traditions
  6. The psychological Imposture, psychoanalysis
  7. Modernist Zenism